During my childhood days, I had come across this story where a woman in a village happens to involve herself in some non-social activity and the entire village was punishing her by throwing stones at her. A Swamiji was passing by that place, observed this act and stops the restless crowd from doing-so by just asking one question – if there is anyone in the crowd who have never done any wrong is allowed to throw a stone at her. And what next not even a single stone, in fact all the faces were down with guilt.
I just hope that corrupts are not fighting for anti-corruption bill to be passed. Even we the citizens of this country who are shouting our lungs out on the Facebook or in various rallies happening across the country; make sure that you are completely clean before pointing out a finger on anyone else. Just do a self analysis and make sure that you have never cheated, you have never bribed, you have never taken undue advantages etc… or else you are not different from the village crowd throwing stones at the woman.
It is always good to raise voice and fight against the wrongs but there is a right way to do everything. Entire country is fighting for anti-corruption bill to be passed – Is this the way? This is how we pass bills in our country? Are we not influencing the working of democratically elected administration? Let us not forget this is not Gandhi fighting against the British. There is no enemy. It is our government; we have put them there and even removed them every five year if they were not fit to be there.
As learned, sensible and responsible citizens of this country we should understand that to influence the process of law making is not a great thing to do in the long term. Today, it is corruption tomorrow there will be few more major agendas, for each and every problem people will stop using courts and we will witness such protests in every lane of our country, I feel this is very harmful for the country. Somewhere in the due course we have forgotten that as a country our strength lies in our ability to maintain democracy over 60 years while all other independent countries around the same time failed.
As a responsible citizen of this country we should take the right measures to reform. Let’s not follow the herd’s mentality. I will end this write-up by quoting Mahatma Gandhi “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
On a lighter note:
My entire Facebook page is over flowing with Ana Hazzare’s Facebook supporters. Everyone has become a Paper Tiger and is protesting – god knows protest is against what. Very few of us will actually leave their air conditioned lives and get down on the roads to protest, rest all are enjoying being a “Paper Tiger”. So here is my contribution as well, Anna even I am with you.